geヘルスケア ライフサイエンス 売却

4 to 5.2 million yen annually once convertedOur client is looking for a candidate with excellent understanding of the sales cycle, as well as great self-motivation to get things done. This is a great opportunity for a candidate with a strong marketing or similar background to look for a good career-up in a reputable company.Excellent development of your marketing skills in life science sectorStrong career progression potential in global firmOur client is looking for a candidate with excellent understanding of client management, as well as great self-motivation to get things done.
GEヘルスケアファーマ. This is a great opportunity for a candidate with a strong life science or similar background to look for a good career-up in a reputable company.Attractive salary-up and career-up possibilities in a global multinational firmWork with cutting edge innovation to make a difference新着通知を受信して、ライフサイエンス - ヘルスケア・製薬の求人に誰よりも早く応募する履歴書を送信していただきますと、随時案件をご紹介します© マイケル・ペイジ・インターナショナル・ジャパン株式会社 企業コード 0104-01-043253 〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-13 ヒューリック神谷町ビル6F
2007年にgeヘルスケア・ジャパンに移り、営業企画を担当。2013年からライフサイエンス部門のアジア太平洋地域におけるサービス事業のゼネラルマネージャーを務めた後、2016年10月から現職。 私たちデロイト トーマツ グループでは、ライフサイエンス企業に求められる複雑な課題を理解し、世界各国のクライアントが成長を続け、人々の健康を支えるイノベーションを創出できるようサポートして … GEヘルスケアにおいては、Pharmaceutical Diagnostics部門が診断薬事業全般を担当しています。GEヘルスケアファーマは同部門に属し、日本国内における造影剤の製造販売を中心とした事業を行う予定です。 This is a great opportunity for a candidate with a strong bioinformatics or similar background to look for a good career up in a reputable company.Attractive salary and commission based renumeration packageInteresting and innovative products in line with global trendsOur client is looking for a candidate with excellent understanding of the sales cycle, as well as great self-motivation to get things done. そして今回の売却の対象になっているのはそちらではなく、一方のライフサイエンスの事業で、創薬、バイオ、遺伝子といったところで使用する検査機器等を扱っています。トップ10にランクしているバイオ医薬品全てにgeの製品が使用されています。 This is a great opportunity for a candidate with a strong life science background to look for a good career up in a reputable company.Leverage business knowlege and relationships to generate salesGlobal working environment with great salary up optionsOur client is looking for a candidate with excellent understanding of the sales and business cycle, as well as great leadership capabilities. This is a great opportunity for a candidate with a strong life science or similar background to look for a good career-up in a reputable company.Exciting career progression opportunities in fast growing life science companyLead and explore potential in a rapidly evolving marketManaging the Marketing team for the Japan business.Lead and manage the Japan Marketing & Communications Team.International environment and latest technology in Life Science industry.Our client is looking for a candidate with a keen eye for sales in life science and bioscience industries, as well as a motivated drive to get things done. You want to participate in the evolution of healthcare through medical devices?

ライフサイエンス事業における研究開発同社で最注力新規事業であるライフサイエンス事業に携われる。事業への投資金額も最大。最先端の技術や知識を吸収し、将来の幹部候補として活躍を期待されているOur client is looking for a candidate with excellent understanding of the sales cycle, as well as great self-motivation to get things done.


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