Read more. Us too.Meet DTO Poker – Your Personal Poker Trainer. GTO Replayer replays your hands from the biggest sites (Amaya, iPoker, WPN, Winamax, and PartyPoker) in full graphics with GTO tables. Holdem Manager 3 or Poker Tracker 4. Read detailed description of our GTO Poker Solvers and choose the ones that suit you. Play real hands against the GTO opponent. The WPT GTO Trainer allows you to rapidly plug leaks and learn the Game Theory Optimal strategies that have dominated the highest stakes games in the world. The program is really very simple to learn and the results of working with it have repeatedly exceeded my expectations.In my opinion Simple Postflop is currently a mandatory tool for a professional poker player.At Simple Poker we take pride in producing professional GTO Poker Tools for professional poker players.We are constantly working to improve our existing applications and create innovative, new programs to help your game and increase your poker skills.Our poker solvers applicable for different poker disciplines: Cash Poker, MTT Poker, S&G Poker and Spin&Go. GTO Solvers could perform calculations for different poker environments: ICM spots, chipEV spots and taking Rake into account. GTO Trainer. We took the convenience of your mobile phone, and paired it with bleeding edge poker strategy produced by. Tired of the same old training sites, teaching you the same old concepts?
2. Welcome to Simple Poker!Here you can find advanced GTO poker solvers for calculating game theory optimal strategies.On our website, besides poker GTO solvers you can find packages with already calculated optimal strategies for various poker games, general information about GTO, video tutorials, tools for learning GTO and documentation. Simple GTO Trainer.
Very fast GTO Solver that solves GTO strategies on a Simple Postflop GTO Solver took me to the brand new level of game. Runouts with similar strategies are grouped into one cluster. The program improved my understanding of optimal and exploitative strategies in different spots.I recommend Simple Postflop to those who want to improve their game and bring it to a higher level. The list of 12 best poker software and tools for 2020 1. Watch how I play on my Simple Postflop is too good to miss the opportunity to use it. Dominik Nitsche and Markus Prinz.
Our poker solvers applicable for different poker disciplines: Cash Poker, MTT Poker, S&G Poker and Spin&Go. browser based GTO tools ... Learning the structure of clusters opens the door to a deeper understanding of the science of poker.
Tracking poker software is necessary for everyone who is playing seriously. Meet DTO Poker – Your Personal Poker Trainer. Gameplan simplified by nearly 63%. Play solved poker hands and get instant feedback on the precise EV (Expected Value) Loss of every action. GTO Solvers could perform calculations for different poker environments: ICM spots, chipEV spots and taking Rake into account.Read detailed description of our GTO Poker Solvers and choose the ones that suit you.Our support team will respond as soon as possible Optimal sizings, bet and defense ranges settings, OOP & IP game on postflop– this is only a small part of Simple Postflop application. You can build your own GTO solutions with GTO Solver. Learn how to play optimal poker now. Simple GTO trainer offers a very convenient stand-alone trainer, which you can use to analyze any... 3.
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